Hengaillen. Yövuoron aikaan äänet ovat terävämpiä. Keholla on mahdollisuus levätä. Unilääke saattaa auttaa kehoja, jotka eivät halua levätä. Kello kymmenen rutiinitarkastus on meneillään. Unelmoimassa paikoista, joissa tuntea vapaaksi itsensä tai juoksemisesta mahdollisimman kovaa. Televisio on vielä päällä, mutta nyt sieltä tulee dramaattista musiikkia ja kuvia tyhjistä puutaloista. Myös kuolema on osa rutiinia. Miksei se olisi?
Just hanging around. Seems like the time before bedtime is more restless time than morning. The hallway has allready been walked several times and the painkiller has stopped working. You are searching for your room and still the room that is being told is yours, is not your home. Jelousy towards those that had a better day. The joy of always having people around to talk to, turns into bragging. Clapping hands and searching for your room while childrens TV is showing a purple dance. Kids and old people dont always do like they are told to. Why would they?
Just hanging around. During the nightshift the sounds are sharper. The body has a chance to rest and for those bodies that dont want to rest the sleeping medicine might help. The 10 pm routine check is on its way. Dreaming of places I feel free or running as fast as can be. The TV is still on, but this time there is dramatic music and empty tree houses. Also death is part of a routine. Why wouldnt it be?
Just hanging a
Hei og hopp. Samme fine personelige stilen. Er også glad i den rotete måten du presenterer bloggen på. Bilder overalt etc. Det er også med på å fortelle om personen bak bloggen. Alt for mange er strømlinjeformet og proft bygget. Stein
I would like to come and see you to the Kajalakoti, it's very well along the road. Would you please inform me when it would suit you. Can I take my camera along?
Hei Maria, I wrote a comment in your blog that you are off course welcome to come and visit. Come when it suits you before the 15th, but it is good if you give a message before you come. 044-2950295. Kristina
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