Sunday, June 15, 2008

Kiitos tästä ajasta/Thank you for this time

Kiitos tästä ajasta.
Isäni haki minut Kajalkodista tänään.

Olen onnellinen huomatessani, että tämä projekti elää, että olen saanut vastakaikua niin blodissa kuin elävässä elämässä. (Mitä kommentteihin tulee, ehdotan jokaiselle Edwinin ja Yrjön kommenttien lukemista. Ehkä se on alku pidemmälle keskustelulle. Tai ehkä se on loppu.)

Luen usein kirjaa sieltä täältä. Tai enimmäkseen katson kuvia.

Nauti muinaisista ja uusista teistä tänä kesänä.

Thank you for this time.
My father picked me up at Kajalakoti today.

I am happy to notice that this is a living project, that I get response both in the blog and in real life. (When it comes to comments, I would suggest everybody to read the comments under the chair from Yrjö and Edwin. Maybe it is a start of a longer communication. Or maybe it is an end.) Feel free to comment, skip or stop.

I often read bits and pieces of a book. Or mainly look at the pictures.

Enjoy the ancient and new roads this summer!.


Anonymous said...

Hey Kristina,
congratulations on completing the performance with flying colours! (Now I, too, can feel young again as my godchild is safely out of the old folks home...)
And thank you for referring to our comments. I take it as a compliment to Edwin and myself that our Batman-Robin team has exhausted the subject so brilliantly that it might even mark the end of communication ;)
Best regards,

Anonymous said...

Dear Kristina

Nice final photos you took. I look forward to next time you go to the Old People's Home

It was really enjoyable to read and to comment on your blog. Though I hope that our comments do not mark the end of communication...

I'm glad the "Godfather" feels young again :-) He must have an identity crisis between batman and Godfather.

Regards - safe journey


Anonymous said...

Godt jobba, Kristina! - og velkommen nordover til sola og kulden.

:) Mamma Jorid

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to read your thoughts while staying in Kajalakoti. I hope you can gather up your experience in a short form to divide it with everybody of us who may be an inhabitant of Kajalakoti one coming day. I'm waiting for your last one week stay there to see which feelings you have then.
Greetings from Hanna-Maija from Muurla